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Thursday 30 November 2017

Chemstations CHEMCAD Suite v6.5.6.7502

Chemstations CHEMCAD Suite v6.5.6.7502

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HEMCAD - a software package for modeling and analysis of technological schemes to recycle flows organic and inorganic substances and mixtures of continuous (in the case of petroleum fractions), and energy flows. CHEMCAD allows you to create, analyze and optimize various options for technological design of production processes, evaluate their effectiveness and to choose the best of them. The complex research using CHEMCAD makes it possible to achieve a satisfactory agreement of the results of calculations with the data of industrial experiments that can solve the problem of automatic process control and improve the efficiency of existing production, determination of optimum operating and structural parameters of the processes in the individual devices from a position of total production as a whole.

optimal preparation of input data for the item of equipment and pipeline systems for your engineering design for the creation of new, as well as reconstruction and diversification of existing chemical and petrochemical industries;
Research and optimization of automatic control systems of chemical-technological processes, including as part of automated process control system (APCS);
dynamic modeling of existing processes, the so-called "virtual enterprises" with the development of simulators for operators and engineers chemical production.
CHEMCAD includes:
Database of properties of substances and the different methods of forecasting;
program modules for calculating missing database properties of individual materials and mixtures thereof (as well as the parameters of the equations for calculation of) the minimum volume of experimental data and structural formulas of the molecules;
database of accounting modules typical chemical technology processes occurring in reactors, absorption, distillation, and extraction columns (with plates and attachments of various types, as well as for the case of combined processes chemisorption and hemorektifikatsii), distillation apparatuses, heat exchangers of different types (shell and tube and the plate, air coolers and heat exchangers type "pipe in pipe"), compressors, pumps, filters, centrifuges, crushers, molds, cyclones, dryers, etc .;
calculation modules for determining structural parameters of standard equipment of chemical plants - column apparatuses, heat exchangers, tanks, pipelines, diaphragm pressure vessels, etc .;
software modules for calculation of research and optimization of technological schemes of chemical industry products, including periodic rectification;
software modules for calculating the parameters of the dynamic modes of chemical reactors and column sets of absorption and rectification together regulators and actuators;
software modules for calculating the cost of items of equipment of chemical plants.
 Win XP/7/8/8.1 x32/64 

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